The Running Commentary



I have been engaged in a number of conversations over the past weeks, which have challenged my meaning of the word understanding.  I am able to grasp concepts and ideas fairly quickly, well at least I think I can. What I have come to realise though is that understanding can be a very tricky thing.

My question: How many times have you said “I understand” only to find out a few minutes, hours, weeks or months later that in fact you didn’t actually understand?

Understanding should never be limited to your own views, perceptions or ideas. You need to ensure that you fully comprehend exactly what the person is saying to you. You need to deploy a check-in mentality and train yourself to ask questions.

The one thing you will realise is that people love it when you ask questions, particularly if it is around their ideas.


Mike • October 12, 2012

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  1. Andrew Kannemeyer October 15, 2012 - 3:51 pm

    Context, Mr T… I believe, is the key to understanding correctly! So although we grasp the idea, the question to ask is do we have the correct context!

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