The Running Commentary

6 months in……..

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Today marks 6 months since I decided to move into the world of entrepreneurship.  It has been a ride of note so far, not the least of which has been sorting out all of the red tape to get a company up and legal.

During this time we have had to get a company registered, an accountant appointed, a book keeper in place.  We needed three months of trading in order to get our VAT number, we needed to obtain tax clearance, get new premises, get telephones and internet sorted out oh and also round up some business!

I have realised in all of this that one of the single biggest issues facing South Africa is it’s inability to support entrepreneurship.  The requirements to get a business up and running and the cost burden on companies in terms of ensuring “compliance” is immense.

Government is in dire need of the skills to grow an entrepreneur base. It is this base of small businesses that will create employment.  You cannot think that big business is creating employment, given the focus on cost reductions.  If government does not get behind small business and find ways of helping them succeed then they are going to fail the economy at large.

South Africa will grow on the back of smaller businesses growing and being successful.  It is the role of government to support this critical part of the economy.

So happily we have sorted out all of these things (barring the VAT number) and then hopefully we can get down to the art of rustling up business.  Who knows we may just be successful at it…..

BrandesignbusinesscomplianceentrepreneurgovernmentlegalSouth Africasuccesstax

Mike • January 3, 2013

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