The problem with holding a debate within the social media landscape is that it removes a fundamental tenant of debate, two or more people dialoguing with each other. It leaves far too much open to interpretation and does not allow for constructive input.
Is there ever an excuse to not have an online personal presence………….well maybe if you are nomadic recluse, hiding from prying eyes. If you are not in this category then you need to have a personal presence.
Marketing and branding is not about making your clients message fit into a specific marketing channel. It is about understanding what value the brand can draw from being in the space.
In the maze of social media options, I am consistently asked “which channel is the best one for my brand?” My stock response to this question is “all of them”. This response generally is generally not well received and almost always results in the person saying “well then it’s not for me”
In all these two very recent incidences have left me even more convinced that it is not only the impact that counts, but the service the customer ultimately experiences that will ensure ongoing success……
Now some people may have a go at me for this title, but after a couple months of this legislation being in effect one cannot help but think that this may be yet another well intentioned but toothless piece of legislation……