The Running Commentary

Organisation change and trust a critical union……

We have all heard the saying along the lines of, “It is insanity to do the same thing time and again and expect a different result”


Impact counts, but service retains the client……………

In all these two very recent incidences have left me even more convinced that it is not only the impact that counts, but the service the customer ultimately experiences that will ensure ongoing success……

Pride and prosperity go hand in hand……..

You only need to see the body language of someone who is not employed to know that they are not walking around proud……..

We need a jobs agenda and nothing else…….

Our largest trading partner, in the form of China, with probably one of the worst human rights records, only has around 4.1% unemployment rate (urban)…..


Strike Strike Strike who wins?

So it is my contention that a wage settlement above inflation in fact is more detrimental to the country as a whole

Widen the deficit or Increase Taxes or maybe a bit of both?

One of the answers maybe be a bit of both. I would suggest that the government is going to look to increase the company tax rates and then run with a larger deficit. Why do I say this…..


Climate change agenda vs. Economics

Firstly though I would like to salute all of the activists and delegates from countries who fought so hard to keep the Climate agenda in the forefront of world news. While I thought that some of the “scuffles” were unnecessary, one must understand the passions in play.

Iraq oil reserves bigger than US deficit!

Certainly the global powerbase could shift dramatically if the countries there decided to combine their resource wealth?

The Fever Rises!

We will be able to cement our place as the launching pad into the rest of Africa at the same time showcasing our great country. So let me say it again, I am Proudly South African! I love what we have been able to achieve as a country Viva South Africa Viva!

What has happened to the 500 000 jobs JZ?

While the economists are saying that signs are improving the real economy is in your pocket. As long as you feel the pinch times are tough.

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