The Running Commentary

Accountability. Failure. Truth.

I spend much of my day in communication, whether that is with clients, colleagues, friends or family. In thinking about these times, I often come to the conclusion that I could do much more with them. You see, while I do a lot of talking, I am pretty bad at actually communicating.   My mind…

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The one thing you will realise is that people love it when you ask questions, particularly if it is around their ideas……..

What’s in a word???

I thought I would jot down a few of the quotes that I have gathered over the past months – the first two most recently given to me by one of my regular contributors  “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact; everything we see is a perspective, not the truth” Marcus Aurelius “Whoever undertakes to…

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Sarah on South Africa and Mandela is this fair??

  The post that follows is fairly lengthy mainly as a result of me including the articles written by “Sarah, Maid of Albion”. These articles were sent to me by someone a few weeks back and I have been contemplating all this time whether to even comment about them. I have read and re-read them…

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My 100th post

This marks my 100th post and I have thought long and hard about what it should be about. So here goes………..A huge thanks to Adii who introduced to me the world of blogging, this has provided me with a vehicle, for the most part, just to vent about an issue. I get to test how other people…

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A great start brought to an edge…..

This post I must say is not going to be entirely without controversy and follows on from yesterday and our group facilitation. The morning was marked with great honesty and me realizing the effect that an interaction I had with one of my colleagues had left them feeling.I brought in the example of an interaction…

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