The Running Commentary

Social media – Debate platforms NOT!

The problem with holding a debate within the social media landscape is that it removes a fundamental tenant of debate, two or more people dialoguing with each other. It leaves far too much open to interpretation and does not allow for constructive input.

Keys to Success individually

I have been looking quite seriously over the past few weeks about what truly enables you to be successful in the business world, at an individual level.  I have been looking closely at a number of prominent players in the public arena both locally and internationally. Closer to home I have been looking at folk that…

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Astringent Leadership will define the victor

The mark of a leader in troubled times is defined by one word, Astringency. I must confess that I did not know this word until this morning after reading an article, by Michael Kinsley, in the TIME magazine. Astringency means telling people what they don’t want to hear and leading them to where they don’t…

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A Criminal is a criminal and that’s it….

This post stems from a frustration that I am having, about the way people justify their actions. I have over the past few days been privy to a number of conversations about things people do and how they justify their actions. The first, allegedly (I use this because we are told this is politically correct),…

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What’s in a word???

I thought I would jot down a few of the quotes that I have gathered over the past months – the first two most recently given to me by one of my regular contributors  “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact; everything we see is a perspective, not the truth” Marcus Aurelius “Whoever undertakes to…

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Zuma is not a philanthropist!!!

This is a flame post, a vent from me so accept it from whence it comes. This leadership crises in the current political landscape within South Africa is causing major embarrassment and hardship to the people of this country. Mbeki is proving to be a lame duck in all of this, focusing on his mediation…

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