The Running Commentary

DA deserves potential sanction…..

What we need is the tough questions being asked and then reported back to the public and not the other way around…..

Mo Shaik to head NIA????

Could this be a case of jobs for pals?

Democracy reigns…

This post is a little late, but I have been waiting for the “right time”. On 11 December 2008 I put a post together that was entitled ANC will lose two-thirds majority. While many people agreed with me then, as we approached the day, many started to change their minds. I must say that I…

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Just voted…

I was reminded this morning what a privilege it is for us to vote. We – my wife and and I plus our children (too young to vote yet) had the added bonus of not having to wait in a massive queue. It was great to see our fellow South Africans coming out to vote,…

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My vote on Wednesday

Many of the people that read my blog and interact with me on a daily basis ask me “Who are you going to vote for in the upcoming election”  I have a stock answer which is “my vote is my secret” It certainly can be no secret to anyone though that I do not vote…

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ANC require two-thirds to deliver service????

So I picked up the article below from the Mail and Guardian and Zackie Achmat, it is long but I think worth the read. I do not agree with the conclusion and can only assume that Zackie is saying that despite the non-delivery the ANC is the only party that can deliver for the majority…

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Undecided about which party to vote for???

I heard about this site a day or so ago. Vote 2009  While this can in no way be your only avenue for deciding on who you should vote for it does help to provide some insight. Effectively the site has been built around 14 “key” questions that the developer sees as major issues in…

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Opposition votes urgently needed to halt ANC two-thirds rule…

Here’s another quote which demonstrates that Jacob Zuma is growing in arrogance…  “If you vote for another party it will be like throwing your vote into the bush because it won’t make any difference,” he said. He urged people to vote in their numbers, saying it will be easy for the ANC to take decisions and…

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Treasury in line for some interference from new ANC Leadership

The couch economist picked up this little bit of news as it pertains to the future South African economic landscape….  The government under ANC leader Jacob Zuma would set up a commission after the election to oversee all the ministries, including the National Treasury, a senior official of the ruling party said yesterday. The commission would co-ordinate the…

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Freedom of expression – but only for the ANC

Said Duarte: “We condemn this practice by faceless individuals which demonstrates high levels of hatred and political intolerance by those opposed to ANC policies and leadership.””South Africa is a constitutional democracy, which guarantees freedom of association and speech, among many rights we continue to enjoy. Any abuse of these rights cannot be allowed,” she said…

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