The Running Commentary

I wonder why?

As I sit and put this together I am simmering……

I want to ask a question of all of you:  Why do you use email? Surely it must be an important part of your day, a crucial tool to help you communicate.  If, it is indeed, an important part of your communication tool box, why do you use it some poorly.

I receive, on a daily basis, 300 plus email communications. I can safely say that somewhere in excess of 80% of which I have been cc’d on.

So you copy me on this bloody email…..I take the time to read the stupid thing and there is nothing of any relevance to me in it. Alternatively you have taken the time to slaughter one of your colleagues or suppliers, in front of the entire world because you took the time to copy 450 million people in on the communique.  I am wondering why?

What is really getting to me, is in this day and age of heightened awareness around communication, we appear to be loosing the art of speaking to each other. In many cases the emails that I read are flowing between two colleagues who are less than 50 feet apart.

Wake up guys…..

I am guessing that this is not an exclusive phenomenon to our business so would like to make this appeal.

Spread the word, let’s talk to each other.  Let’s think very very carefully before we add names to an email. I cannot tell you how much damage you do to your own name when you simply hit send “because you thought I should know”. I do not need to know every aspect of the conversation between two parties, what I do need is for you to all work together.

Start talking more….let’s foster a spirit of real communication and not this impersonal medium. Reset your thinking on how you use email, you may just be surprised by the outcome!


Mike • December 29, 2009

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