Data drives succesful Direct Marketing Campaigns
Having just completed my training on the XMPie software that our business has acquired I am struck by the seemingly infinite opportunities that exist in terms of personalised marketing campaigns. As discussed yesterday, we need to ensure that as companies our data is up to date and very well maintained. A while ago one of the great database business in the market said to me, you need to be anal about your data.After this training, I understand why!
Some keys to developing a great DM campaign – start with the end in mind, what type of return do we want? Then make sure that you have the data and information that you require to support the campaign execution, then only and I mean then only develop the campaign.
You cannot make data fit a campaign, your data must drive the campaign. Then only can you execute, measure, amend and re-execute. My next post around these opportunities will be around unlocking the value of cross media campaigns and why every organisation that is serious about talking directly to their audiences must follow this route.
Ben Waugh September 1, 2008 - 2:27 pm
I like your site and wanted to know if you would be interested in exchanging blogroll links.
Thanks in advance
Mike September 1, 2008 - 5:32 pm
Happy to look at the cross ideas thing, but know that I am not a prolific writer, but call it as I see it.