The Running Commentary


ACSA Cape Town International problem!


Arrived at Cape Town international this morning, checked in using the quick check-in terminals in the parkade and then walked into the building to go through the gates.

Disaster struck, is appears that ACSA is on some cost cutting exercise as the queues to get through security were long, so long in fact that they extended, in both directions (there were two security points open), the length of the airport. There were constant announcements “could passenger XYZ123 delaying the departure of….) Frantic searching by personnel to get these passengers through the gates.

Many passengers in a panic trying to get through and I am sure that many missed their flights. ACSA you need to sort this out, this is an embarrassment to you.  I hate throwing this in, but there were a number of international travellers around me and all of them were saying that this is ridiculous!

ACSACape Town International Airportdelaysstaff

Mike • October 6, 2008

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  1. South Africa flights October 6, 2008 - 10:15 pm

    Most monopolies don’t give a hoot about customer service.

  2. Mike October 7, 2008 - 9:43 am

    Thanks for taking the time to drop the comment. I think that your point is valid, but I do think it makes even more sense to comment on and therefore hold them accountable when the service level is not up to par.

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