Zapiro on Zuma
I have not commented about the now infamous Zuma cartoon completed by Zapiro, more so out of a need to understand my reactions to it than the actual content.
I have huge respect for Zapiro in that I think that he has a unique way of conveying the issues we face as South Africans. I think that the cartoon does depict what many South Africans view is happening in terms of Zuma. Many feel that everything seems to be being done to ensure that Zuma does not go to court. Further still that even if he is guilty that he not be prosecuted.
The talk of deals being struck certainly do not bode well for the judiciary and would seem to convey that if you have the means (power, money or otherwise) that indeed you may be above the law.
I must though say that I think that from a sensitivity point of view that perhaps a great mind like Zapiro might have come up with a different way of conveying the message. I do think that the shock factor is high and therefore the impact of the message is equally high.
I must say that with our statistics as far as rape in this country goes that this cartoon may do damage to the work being done to halt the scourge of rape. Depicting rape in a cartoon is not acceptable, even if the intention around it is to make a statement. Rape must be a harrowing ordeal for anyone to go through and therefore the topic must be treated with respect and sensitivity.
I do not think that Zapiro need apologise to the politicians depicted in the cartoon as he has captured his views in this drawing, he should though, make some comments around the effect that this drawing may have had on the many people who have been forced to endure this act.
In summary while agree with Zapiro on the intent of the cartoon, the depiction of rape was not a cool way to do it!