The Running Commentary


African opportunity from African ruin…….

I was listening to the Africa report on 567 talk radio this morning by JJ Cornish. I was struck that much of what he reported on, as been said before (several times) – Zimbabwe will need more mediation, The LORDS resistance army is still to come to that table in terms of signing the peace…

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Turn your sale of scrap into a Carbon offsetting investment

I have for a while now been thinking how to take small to medium businesses down the road of becoming more aware of the impact that they have on the environment. There are a number of issues that you come across when you talk to them. Mostly they do not know where to start, they feel…

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Africa watching as is the rest of the world….

 The continent of Africa is watching the Zimbabwe process with just as much interest as the rest of the world (perhaps even more). This power sharing process must be a success else we as a continent will continue to battle to move out of the “dark ages” mentality that the world has of us.  The…

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