The Running Commentary

Parents note your responsibility!

Sit with me and let's debate

Sit with me and let's debate

Over the weekend I had the privilege of reading an article written by Paul Kerton, for Cape Town’s Child. The article entitled “Modern dilemmas for little dilettantes” was based on his interaction with his 10 year old around acquiring a cellphone (mobile).

The piece is a really humours account of his observations around this, including the following “if it was an apple it would be nirvana” this relating to the device his daughter wanted.

Underlying though was a message to parents about controlling and allowing access to the numerous social media sites and forums out there.  In particular the warning not to cover your naiviety of technology with the catch all phrase that you don’t monitor your children because you “trust them”.  Not that you shouldn’t trust your child but let’s get real, the reason you say this is that, you do not know how to operate in these forums.

So let’s be frank now.  Parents take accountability for what your children see and interact with, you can still trust them. I am on linkdin, twitter and facebook, partly because I enjoy them and in part because I want to know what my children will be exposed to in the future.

My greatest desire is that when my children get active in the social media space, that I may be invited as one of their friends into their networks.

I am tired of hearing parents blaming the social media platforms for their children’s issues, take control back. This may mean that you become a bit unpopular in the short term. I can assure you that once you have mastered these and helped your children navigate the platforms, you and your children may take great joy out of the medium. 

So Parents take note and take responsibility.

ChildrenFACEBOOKparentssocial mediaSocial NetworksTWITTER

Mike • November 4, 2009

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