The Running Commentary

Social media – Debate platforms NOT!

The problem with holding a debate within the social media landscape is that it removes a fundamental tenant of debate, two or more people dialoguing with each other. It leaves far too much open to interpretation and does not allow for constructive input.

Social Media – Unlocking the value of the focussed communication opportunity

In the maze of social media options, I am consistently asked “which channel is the best one for my brand?” My stock response to this question is “all of them”. This response generally is generally not well received and almost always results in the person saying “well then it’s not for me”


Social Media must be about transparent interaction….

ensuring that your response is perceived as being genuinely from your company will deliver a far higher return than you could imagine


Social Media is not a one way street

the point of Social Media and that is in fact SOCIAL…..

Parents note your responsibility!

I am tired of hearing parents blaming the social media platforms for their children’s issues, take control back. This may mean that you become a bit unpopular in the short term.

My face twit linkedIn and the rest

Much time is spent in the corridors of business talking about the “social networking fad” that is Myspace, FACEBOOK, TWITTER and the like. The interesting thing about the discussions that happen in the corridors (brick and mortar that is) is that they are generally opposed to this “fad”. Whenever the debate is taken into the on-line arena then the discussion…

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Paperclips against Prejudice

I read about this group started by Aimee Franklin. They have a group on FACEBOOK, so please go and check it out, maybe you want to join it as well.  I have put an extract from the page below for interest. One look at any major or minor human rights issue the world has faced…

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I buckle and join FACEBOOK

Well I suppose it was only going to be a matter of time before it happened. I have resisted the temptation for a long to time to get myself of FACEBOOK. I have though done the deed. I must say that it seems to be really great way to connect with folks you do not…

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