The Running Commentary

Social Media – Unlocking the value of the focussed communication opportunity

In the maze of social media options, I am consistently asked “which channel is the best one for my brand?” My stock response to this question is “all of them”. This response generally is generally not well received and almost always results in the person saying “well then it’s not for me”

Parents note your responsibility!

I am tired of hearing parents blaming the social media platforms for their children’s issues, take control back. This may mean that you become a bit unpopular in the short term.

Social Networking driving larger ad spend

Social Networking is increasing become a target of advertisers around the world, as they understand the power of positive brand endorsement. The increase in the amount of Smartphones like the Apple iPhone, Storm, Nokia E90, Palm, HTC and the like, means that this spend is increasingly going to move to the mobile social networks. A…

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