The Running Commentary

He’s back !! (Julius Malema that is…)


ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema has blamed the courts for the ruling party’s defeat in several wards in by-elections in the Western Cape, Beeld newspaper reported on Friday.

“The judge voted on behalf of the people against the ANC,” Malema told a crowd of about 7 000 people in Cofimvaba in the Eastern Cape.

When I read the above statement I can only but laugh.  This guys really makes for great canon fodder.  The ANC, because they are the ANC and believe that they are above documented process, did not have their house in order. They did not submit the required documentation or bank guarantee’s.  As a result of this they effectively disqualified themselves from the by-election process in the wards in the Western Cape. 

How on earth they can blame this on the judge is beyond me, there is no conspiracy at play here only poor administration on the part of the ruling party.  One can see why they have not opted for early elections, they clearly would have a huge administrative problem.

As a side issue they also lost 12 of the wards that they previously held in the Western Cape, and this to the “splinter group” COPE and the DA.

I would have thought that in the province where they are losing the most ground, they would have focused very intently on getting everything together in order to maintain their positions and to challenge the by-elections.

So today the ANC receive the dung ball, coupled on the Tote, (to quote one of my regular readers)  with Julius Malema for really poor administration and effectively disqualifying themselves from the by-election process. Julius simply gets it for making the headlines once again with yet another of his insightful and quick witted commentaries about how everyone out there is conspiring against the ANC. You go Julius keeping speaking out to tell it like it is, we love you!

In closing as Helen Zille pointed out the appetite for change is on the rise and we are going to see sweeping political change in this country. MAke sure you are a part of this process, do not sit back and expect others to do it for you…

Viva South Africa Viva!

ANCBy-electionsDAHelen ZilleJulius MalemaSouth AfricaWestern Cape

Mike • December 12, 2008

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