The Running Commentary

Fools and Liars……..


The ANC clearly has much that it needs to sort through and their National Working Committee must feel a bit like it is paddling up stream without an oar!

The revelations around Carl Niehaus are absolutely startling and reading his CV one must say that this guy had some gonads of note. He absolutely led them down the proverbial garden path. The only way that they can fix this is by getting him out. He has resigned as an employee so that helps a bit. The clean up is going to be immense, from a reputation point of view he has stained the very fabric of the ANC.

Many will say that this is just another ANC crony like the rest, but I do not agree with that. Sure I have issue with the way certain things go down, but I truly believe that the “cronies” are in the minority. Granted many of them might hold positions of power, but there are equally some really good guys who are trying to deliver on their mandate.

I think that we are going to see more revelations about Carl and I am reminded that this is probably a lesson to us all. What a misguided individual to think that he can lie to the extent that he did and not get caught out. He has fast replaced Julius Malema and one of the ANC’s biggest headaches.

Keep yourself true, don’t fabricate it else it will come back to bite you.

So Carl unfortunately you get the dung ball, along with the ANC for not conducting even rudimentary back ground checks…. 

PS. Has anyone else seen the ANC posters in Cape Town announcing “President Jacob Zuma” to address a meeting. I know that technically the poster is correct as far a his position in the ANC goes, but boy is that not taking poetic licence to the max!

ANCCarl NiehausCOPEIDJacob ZumapoliticsSouth Africa

Mike • February 18, 2009

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