The Running Commentary

Beware the “unique number” competition


So….. I am not a great competition enterer.  In fact I rarely take part in any type of competition unless it is for fundraising or something similar.

I did decide the other morning while pouring my Kellogg’s All Bran Flakes into a bowl that perhaps I should “sms the unique number on the inside of the pack to..” Hell I thought what have I got to lose, a couple of bucks (R1,50 per sms) on the sms and perhaps a chance at winning a fairly reasonable prize.

What a minute, I actually have a second box in the cupboard (you know boy scout and all – be prepared) I’ll enter twice clearly two entries should be better than one. So quickly grab the second box and open the lid….Oops the number is exactly the same as the first box. 

I think that this cannot be right. Now before any of you say Unique number refers to Kellogg’s number at their sms aggregator. I did a check…I asked 25 people at my office to read the blurb (see picture above)and then to tell me what they thought. Everyone felt as I did, that the number would be unique to each and every box. The wording says “SMS the Unique number in your pack”

I think that this is really poor marketing and in fact may even call it false advertising. I did not enter so it cost me nothing, but I wonder how many people entered thinking that they were sending their unique number.

I think that maybe Kellogg’s need to explain this. Because I think that maybe someone did “get it all” wrong.

CompetitionKellogg'ssmsunique number

Mike • March 18, 2009

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