Apple MobileMe turn it off Steve (remotely that is)
Below an article from the Coolest Gadgets web about Apple’s MobileMe application. In light of my previous post about how Big Steve is watching you, maybe he should simply “turn of this malicious application until the problem has been repaired”
Members of Apple’s problematic Mobile Me community have a new headache as the service, which has been plagued operationally since its launch, provides “phishers” with an opportunity to glean credit card and other personal information from Mobile Me customers.
Credit company “Card Cops” has verified that some .Mac users are being redirected to a trading site and may be taking advantage of the DNS hole which allows hackers to take over a DNS address and clone it to look like the official destination.
MobileMe is an Apple service which let’s customers use a wide variety of services in concert, including websites, mail, calendars, contacts, photos, music and other Mac functions.
Card Cops has found that 1 in three credit profiles vulnerable to phishing attacks have .mac addresses and looks very realistic with sophisticated graphics and even technical support for “setting up Mac desktops, iPhones or even iPods. It then requests an update of billing information so Mobile Me service won’t be discontinued.
Any user who clicks on the link or provides personal information into the faux Mobile Me interface is sure to be a victim of identity theft. And with 1 in 3 victims Mobile Me customers, it’s no picnic for Cupertino either as the Mobile Me service has been plagued with activation and billing problems since its launch early last month. Problems with prompted Steve Jobs to admit they made a mistake launching the service while launching their new 3G iPhone and causing an executive shakeup at Apple.
From the coolest Gadget site