The Running Commentary

ANC once again showing an entitlement culture!!

flagBelow extracts of article run on IOL – pertaining to the trial of Jacob Zuma.   The NWC’s formal statement reads: “(The Zuma matter) has become deeply politicised, with South Africans being asked to take sides. It is (our) view that it is time to address these divisions and work towards a national consensus.”Mantashe explained that the party viewed the pending charges against Zuma in a similar light to the fight against apartheid. He said apartheid had been resolved through dialogue and the ANC wanted the charges against Zuma to be similarly resolved. He did not say how any such support would translate into the charges being dropped, saying only: “Through public dialogue and debates by civil society this matter can be settled amicably. “This initiative will have to be driven by the public, with the ANC being participants.”Critics accuse the ANC of subverting fundamental bastions of democracy, such as the judiciary and the principle of the rule of law. But Mantashe said: “We are of the view that, through dialogue, we will arrive at a solution that will not be seen to be undermining state institutionsThis once again epitomises the ruling parties feeling of entitlement to force their viewpoint and agenda through. I am unsure how they can liken this to the fight against apartheid, as this is purely a criminal matter. Either Jacobs Zuma is guilty (in terms of the rule of law) or he is not. Going to the press and getting a campaign going, is surely invoking a trial by public vote, this is a very dangerous president to set. If they do succeed in somehow persuading the masses that he is not guilty and that these charges have some how been “trumped up” the precedent of using the media to prove of disprove an individuals guilt or innocence is obscene. This would turn in a wealth or having the means triumphing over justice. The message is going out that regardless of the persons guilt or innocence the will of the party must prevail, this is apartheid all over again. The developed world will not take favourably to this at all. If the answer this statement is well we need to run the country and actually we do not have to worry about what “they think”, then we are fast tracking it to the Zimbabwe lifestyle.If the ANC is not careful it is going to destroy the very democracy they fought so hard to create. Many lives will have been lost in vain. 

ANCchargesJacob Zumamedia campaignstrial

Mike • September 3, 2008

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