Yes! …… I have my blog history back
Many of you will know that I thought I could not retrieve my old blog files. This represented some 500 articles that I had compiled since 2008. I had come to terms with the fact that I would need to try and get the content at a later stage.
In a chance discussion someone suggested I create a temporary blog, recover my back-up to that and then migrate this into my current blog. I tried and failed, several times over!
My history, when I first started blogging, is that I hosted my blog with Fused Networks (USA based), however with the exchange rate depreciation I decided to move to a South African host. This was when I broke my blog. So I took a chance and emailed the team there (more than a year since leaving them). Sure enough Lawrence, who had helped me with some of my previous user errors when I was with them, replied and gave me the steps to recover my content.
I am ecstatic because, if you are reading this, you will also be able to see my old content. More importantly I now have it all back! Thanks to David and Lawrence at Fused Network for your support, even though I am not currently a client!