We have continued to build….. 7 years in!

This posts timing in some way defines just how busy I have been over the last few years. I completely by-passed the 6-year mark post, as I have just passed the 7-year mark of true entrepreneurship. 1 July 2019 marked the 7-year journey on this road, together with Adrian Larkin and the rest of the Brandesign team.
Continued Learnings
“I learn something new every day”, a saying that seems so cliché, but I can honestly say, has been the hallmark of my journey so far. Whether it is launching an iXBRL offering (within our Investor Communications area) and understanding everything that goes with that. Understanding and growing in our compliance to the various laws of the country. The act of lease negotiations and TI (Tenant Installation) opportunities. The daily engagement with clients and their products and services, that continue to blow me away! The Strategy, The Design, Digital Platform Migrations, Google Ads, Technology Advancement, R&D and so much more. Learning each day!
Mine is a privileged space, a space to learn, a space to gain so much, a space that allows me to express and input and help to mold. It is a space that has opened my eyes to so much around me, how the world is changing. How fast we are needing to adapt; how much is being challenged. I have though, a deepening awaking that being in such a place, is truly a privilege. There are so many out there who are just surviving, at times it does not feel like it, but I am truly thriving. What a privilege.
I have over the past few years used this space to help others, giving advice and guidance to smaller agencies (when did I ever dream that I would be able to say that). I have been able to give back to the gentlemen in Drakenstein prison, helping to shape them on their road to starting new lives. I have been able to input into my staff and their life journeys, navigating buying houses, having kids, travelling the world, broadening their horizons….growing.
As always I must say thank you. Thank you to my Lord, for walking with me, giving me the courage to face this journey. To my awesome wife, who is a strong constant in my life. To my amazing kids, who make me laugh, who make me proud, who are achieving so much, but remain so humble. To my business partner Adrian for his advice, his creativity and his human touch. To Barry Johnson, watching you develop as a manager is one of the most exciting things to see. My extended family thank you for your support and input.
Finally thank you to you Mom. I often think of you, I miss the WhatsApp messages, the score updates, the trips to the shops and hospital. I miss your physical presence!
Growth is inevitable, challenges will always be there, what you choose to do with both of them is going to define you.