The Running Commentary

Today’s lesson….

bulbMost days I come away from the day having learned something new. In the main this is driven by my belief that it is possible to learn something new each day. I have not posted many of these lessons because of a feeling that people may believe them either stupid or rather obviously things.

I have though learnt today that many people would love an opportunity to find out something new or learn something about someone or an event that may actual help them in their day.

So here goes…..Today I learnt that most people out there actually like being part of a team.  The only reason a person battles to feel part of a team is if the leader of the team is a poor leader.  I have over the course of today had amazing interactions with the team that I work with. Each one of them really made me proud to be a part of the team, comments were honest and to the point and the level of trust seems to have kicked up a notch.

I urge you, if you are a leader of a team, to get to know your team members. Get along side them, listen to them and challenge them (they like this) not drive their ideas down, but rather test why they think something is worthwhile. When you get to know them, they will open up and you will be surprised. The person you least suspect will deliver an idea that could literally save or change your business.

Individually you have the chance to succeed at one thing, with a team you have the opportunity to succeed at many things.

ps. you only need two to make a team!


Mike • July 17, 2008

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