The Running Commentary

Remember when a cellphone just made calls?

This little device of yours and mine has fundamentally changed our operating psyche, we are hard coded, it would seem, to respond now. Just look at the level of “multi-tasking” that happens around you…..


MTN Billing Letter – my response

So….Dear (un)valued MTN I will be voting with my feet this August. I will be porting from you to Vodacom…enough said

Incompetent sales staff will cost you success

Yours is the opportunity to talk to me and enlighten me on what your product and/or service can deliver. I am a willing purchaser when I arrive in your store, if you fail to convert me, you have only yourself to blame!

Is this really an environmental issue?

My wife has a mobile contract with Nashua Mobile, one of the leaders in terms of independent mobile operators. Her recent bill arrived in an envelope that invited her to receive her bill electronically and on her acceptance of this offer, they would donate R 10.00 to “Trees and Food for Africa”. I thought that…

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Efficient, friendly and effective vs. Efficient, friendly and ineffective

This post is a continuation on my themes of highlighting good and bad service and how businesses can use after sales service and care to hold onto their client resource. I am a MTN mobile subscriber and my wife is a Cell C subscriber (Nashua mobile the service provider). I received some feedback today from…

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