The Running Commentary


Climate change agenda vs. Economics

Firstly though I would like to salute all of the activists and delegates from countries who fought so hard to keep the Climate agenda in the forefront of world news. While I thought that some of the “scuffles” were unnecessary, one must understand the passions in play.

350 PPM a message worth sharing!

Many scientists now believe the Arctic will be completely ice free in the summertime between 2011 and 2015, some 80 years ahead of what scientists had predicted just a few years ago.

Cartridge World….Green and Cash wise

I learned that it takes some 450 years for a laser cartridge to bio-degrade!

We are to blame…..

Below an article that I stumbled, clearly now we can put to rest, if anyone still had any doubt, that we are causing the global warming that we are experiencing! The rise in temperatures at Earth’s poles has for the first time been attributed directly to human activities, according to a study.   The work,…

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Auto makers fail to reach emissions targets

In 1999 the European Commission set manufacturers the goal to get emissions down to 140 g/km. This has not been achieved, below an extract from “The Adamms report” “Well, guess what? It’s 2008 and nine years on that 140g/km has not been met. In fact, very few cars on the market today can lay claim…

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Arctic Ocean Ice Retreats Less Than Last Year

The article below makes some good reading, but hopefully people will not take this a sign that everything is fine, hopefully though it is something we can build on….   By ANDREW C. REVKIN Published: September 16, 2008 The annual summer retreat of the sea ice cloaking the Arctic Ocean appears to have ended with the ice…

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More evidence of global warming!

Below an article just highlighting the effects of global warming. This measurement is one of the strongest measures of this effect. If ever you needed more reason to become more ecologically focused! Arctic sea ice, which melts partly during each polar summer, has shrunk more this year than in any on record except for 2007,…

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Should we let the red white and blue lead the green drive

I, as mentioned before, am a subscriber to TIME magazine.  The copy from last week contained and article that basically expounded how the USA (the war machine that it is) can effectively lead the world in terms of climate change. The author(s) speak about various initiatives that are being done by the state of California…

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