The Running Commentary

Consumer Protection Act: Creativity should not be confused with deception

Let me conclude by saying that being creative does not mean that you need to be deceptive and too many companies are still confusing the two……..

Advertising is not the root of alcohol abuse……….

One can only assume that he holds the view that it is the advertising that causes folk to abuse the alcohol.

Un-defence of Kulula….

So initially I sided with most of the “social media” opinion out there about the fact that Kulula were ordered to remove their “unofficial ad”.  Like the majority of the opinions reflected out there I was outraged that our low cost hero’s should be ordered to withdraw their advertising campaign. My outrage stemming from the…

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Well placed humour always appreciated…

“Your mom is quite nice” many of you will know this line from the KFC add which features a few mates sitting around the television talking about the “older woman thing”. I have for some time been meaning to write a post around this campaign as well as the others being flighted by KFC of…

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DM’s place at the boardroom table

Below part of an article written by Keith Wiser – Managing Director of 5th Dimension in it he talks to the frustrations in terms of the place that Direct Marketing holds at the boardroom table.  (you can read the complete article at MarketingWeb) I fully subscribe to the fact that Direct Marketers do not do enough…

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