My 250th post!
Well here we go, today mark’s my 250th post. This blog was started on the 17th of March this year so we are 9 months in. In this time I have covered a lot of ground and had a really good time voicing my ideas and opinions.
I have been gratified by the responses that I have received, many of them coming directly to me and out of respect for those who chose this route, I did not post the comments.
I have covered all of my passion particularly formula one and mobile devices and I did a lot of commentary on the political landscape in my beloved South Africa as well as our struggling neighbours in Zimbabwe.
I have touched briefly on world politics and the global environmental issues and tried to give sound basic financial advice to the many folk who do not understand all of the financial speak around the place.
In short I have had a lot of fun doing this, I have learnt a huge amount about how life shapes you. I have grown in this experience and I will continue in this vane for the next 250 posts.
I have much to be grateful for, a really awesome wife, fantastic kids, a company that permits me the space in which to grow and friends and colleagues that are never shy to give advice and help me out.
To all of you that have followed this “Running Commentary” and helped shape my life to date a huge thanks!
Here’s to another 250 posts and even more growth……………
Willie December 21, 2008 - 9:16 pm
Wishing all , friends and people whom I know or I don’t ..a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2009…
You have a dutiful blog Keep it going. I’m new on the blog and still learning.Peace com and tell me what you think of my 2 blogs at: