The Running Commentary

Jacob Zuma changing the rule of law….


So the comments made to the STAR by Jacob Zuma in terms of the constitutional court saying “it is not God” have shown the hand of the ruling party.

South Africa is hailed as having one of the best constitutions in the world and part of that constitution is the establishment of a Constitutional Court. By it’s very descriptor the highest court in the land. They have been empowered to deliver the constitutional sovereignty of the country.

If Jacob Zuma intends to interfere with this process, then we have a serious problem! If ever you needed an excuse to get off your butt and vote, then this is it. We cannot afford to have this happen. This act will very definitely cause the country to slip into a real dictatorship and that will ruin the country, which just happens to be Africa’s largest economy.

We need to ensure as concerned South Africans that the ANC do not achieve the two-thirds majority in the upcoming elections. This is the only way that we can ensure that Jacob Zuma does not change the constitution and the constitutional court process.

I have not worried about many utterings made by Jacob Zuma, in fact have taken many of them with the proverbial pinch of salt, knowing full well that we have a constitution that guarantees us many liberties that even he cannot take away.

Allowing Jacob Zuma to change the constitutional authority will remove these liberties and reduce us to a communist dictatorship, we cannot allow this.

Maybe Zapiro’s cartoon is going to come true after all?

ANCConstitutional CourtCOPEDAIDJacob ZumapoliticsSouth Africa

Mike • April 9, 2009

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