In the presence of “Giants”
This is somewhat of a late New Years Resolution I guess but I think that if you have not gone about setting out to do something this year. Then maybe use this post as some sort of a guide.
I decided sometime last year to begin to make some changes in my life and have continued on this path thus far in the new year. One of those changes was that I wanted to spend my time (or as much of it as possible) in the presence of Giants. I wanted to try and surround myself people, stories and experiences of those people that “make a difference” whether in their own lives or to those around them.
Stories like the young guy who managed to pass his matric while struggling with terminal cancer, who succeeded in passing these exams with a distinction in one of the subjects. Sadly he died just 24 hours after learning about his success, but certainly showed character and determination.
Like one of my colleagues who decided that he needed to loose some weight, achieved this and has become a bit of a runner, who now regularly completes 10 km runs.
Like the wife and children that I am blessed with who, despite my many failings, love me for who I am and always seem happy to see me.
Like the many business leaders out there (the famous – Bill Gates, Steve Jobs) and the not so famous who deliver exceptional businesses and ideas and set examples that we can aspire to.
I decided that this year was going to be one of resolve, that I needed to make decisions and set about setting a direction. I would encourage you that it is never to late to do this. Look around you and you will see people that you can draw from, there are many inspirational folk out there, and you need to talk to them or listen to them or read about them. Whatever you do though make sure that you do it.
So hopefully once you are done reading this, you will go out and look and find somebody that you can learn from. Then you too can begin the process of helping someone. Remember, and this is the really scary bit, as you look to others, there are others looking to you.