The Running Commentary

English Speaking South African answers JZ


Dear Mr Zuma,

Let me at the outset say how insulted I was by your comment that Afrikaners are the only true white South Africans “in the true sense of the word”. I am an English speaking South African, I hold one passport, a South African one. I have lived here all of my life (37 years so far) and I have no intention of living anywhere else in the world, because I love this country.

I am blessed to have an amazing wife and two children who all love South Africa.

Your comment has offended many South Africans and I think that you need to take a serious look at yourself and exactly what it is you were trying to achieve by making these statements.  I must hasten to add, I can see why Julius Malema makes the statements that he does. If you are able to make these comments without the slightest thought about their possible consequences then why should we expect anything less from those that follow you.

I have used this platform, on several occasions, to criticise decision making on all sides on the the political spectrum and will freely admit that much of this criticism has been directed at the ANC. The main reason for this has been the consummate ease with which it seems that many of the people on the stage, for the ANC, open their mouths to change feet.

I do this in the main though because I believe that a robust democracy requires robust commentary. What a robust democracy does not need though are thoughtless remarks that create severe division. Your comments yesterday certainly fall into the category of division, rather than bringing people together.

I fear that your recovery, if you intend to attempt one, is going to be difficult in the least. I will be intensifying my focus on debate to ensure that people make informed decisions and are not swayed by stage talk which attempts to draw support and is not a true expression of actual personal belief.

I look forward to the coming days and weeks in which I am certain that South Africa will emerge stronger than before and not neccesarily as a result of speeches like the one you made yesterday.

I remain a committed, English speaking South African always…..  

AfrikaanerANCCOPEDAIDJacob ZumapoliticsSouth Africa

Mike • April 3, 2009

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