The Running Commentary


Brands for the future

As we continue on the path of social media are we, as the current brands, ready for the future?

I am not sure that we can answer this question definitively yet. What I would put forward is that there are some key questions that need to be answered:

1) What is your social media presence (if any)? I am not saying place your brand in the space. This is not a presence, this is a placement.

2) Is your brand ready to dialogue with your interactors in this space? Remember social media is driven by dialogue. If you are not ready to dialogue then you should not even have a presence in this space…..well not initially.

3) Can you take and deal with what at face value may appear to be cheap shots? Many brands deal on a macro level with their clients. These brands typically think that automated call centres are the way of the future…..No!

So these are just three questions that I think brands need to be asking in terms of their relevance in the social media space.

More questions and observations to follow.

brandsFuturesocial media

Mike • October 6, 2009

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  1. Adrian Larkin October 20, 2009 - 4:43 pm

    Social Media – “to be or not to be”

    The saying is that the future of good brands will be built in the social media realm. I think that this is going to be more effective with youth brands than traditional brands.

    The youth markets are operating in a space that is different to ours, most of activity is on FB, Twitter and Linked-in but I think that the real social media of the future will not be these spaces but other platforms, and chat networks.

    The key is how to penetrate these markets effectively because the corporate is the “anti – christ” to this market and the referral or product reference will have to come from activities that you or your company is involved in. Community based activity, sports sponsorship etc will get you more milage but then you have to be seen to be a “giving or caring” company and that may get you access to this market.

    I have heard it said that Kids will pick any pushed media on the “BULLSHIT RADAR” or attempts at trying to get milage via your own social campaigning we be deemed as not been authentic.

    What ever the outcome it makes for exciting and new branding and marketing opportunities for the right product and market.

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