The Running Commentary


Athletics South Africa and Sponsors


I would guess that ASA must be worried about the sponsorship deals that are currently in place, I know I would be if I were them…

I would guess that many of the current sponsors will be looking closely at the debacle that has happened around Caster Semenya and be wondering whether they want their brand associated with ASA.

The handling of the Cheune by ASA is shocking to say the least, as I said previously, the least that should happen is that he should lose his job. He lied to the nation and to the president of the country.  His leadership skills come into question and his motivations certainly cause some concern. His contention that he had the athlete’s best interest at heart were completely untrue. He wanted a winner and he fielded one.

If the IAAF results prove that Caster is in fact intersex, then Mr Cheune the best thing for you to do is leave the position. I cannot image the public relations nightmare that this fiasco must be causing.

I would call on the sponsors to create the pressure, I know that this might be causing some controversy, but the greatest injustice is currently being committed by having Cheune in his role. We need him to take accountability, even if it is forced upon him.

Athletics South AfricaCaster SemenyaSouth Africasponsorship

Mike • September 28, 2009

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