The wall……time to break it down
This post is somewhat difficult for me as it requires me to acknowledge some shortcomings, I am hopeful though that in this process I will take some further steps forward in my life journey.
A little while ago I wrote a post about giving up something that had occupied my time and as a result I had lost ground on things that I deemed important. In this post I let go of something and wrote down all of the things I would be putting back into my life. My quiet times, family time, exercise and focus.
The hard reality is that in the 5 weeks since making that decision, I have made very little progress. This lack of progress is what I am forced to examine. In this examination what I am finding is that the consequence to excessive time wasting is dire. What I so dutifully put on, in the form of my distraction, is taking time to take off. The habits are very hard to break. They are a wall, a wall that I need to break through with some purpose.
Action required
So, I am setting this down (in paper as it were) not so that you can all beat me up or ask how it is going, but rather for me to return to as a reminder. I am undertaking to examine my progress every week and not to leave the progress meter as a “lets see how we are going” measure.
My measures (not for beating myself up either) are:
Quiet times –3 of these a week, with more to come as I connect deeper.
Quality time with my wife and kids – Date Night – twice a month babe! In the diary no excuses, even if it is coffee around the kitchen table. Time with the kids, connecting and fun! Bikes, walks, dogs, movie nights (their choices)
Guitar playing and singing – return to this, it is a way for me to connect, reflect and relax
Exercise – trainers on Mike, you like to run so get out there! (3 times a week)
So like every good strategist says: “it starts with a plan, with measurable objectives”
The journey continues!