The Running Commentary


Consumer Protection Act…..Anyone see the change yet?

Now some people may have a go at me for this title, but after a couple months of this legislation being in effect one cannot help but think that this may be yet another well intentioned but toothless piece of legislation……


Consumer Protection Act….redressing the imbalance

The consumer has decided that enough is enough………


Taxi Lawlessness can be solved…….

In the same way any joint and several liability would apply……….


Consumer Protection Act for us marketing types!

My world was almost shattered when I first heard about the Consumer Protect Act and the potential impact it was going to have on our ability to communicate with customers (both new and potential)……


Law Enforcement must take back the roads from the taxi drivers!

Simply put I feel that there is a collective lack of will to bring basic law and order to our streets


Zuma the courts must still decide!!

The judgement in the Jacob Zuma case took two hours to hand down and covered some 25 000 words. The state clearly did not follow process and may well have messed up the opportunity of ever bringing a case against Jacob Zuma. The findings whilst comprehensive and damaging to Mbeki did not say that Jacob…

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