The Running Commentary

Environmental Upshot of the Global Crunch

I know that I have commented about this topic in the past, but I think that it is worth raising again.  Many of you will know that airlines have been cutting their flight schedules as a result of the downturn in the world economy. Recent reports suggest that that airlines, as a result of these…

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Smells like communism……

Reading an article this morning out of the Herald Tribune and took this little snippet about how Obama intends to limit banking executives, who received government funding, salaries: Obama was also taking steps in response to the growing public anger over revelations in recent days that Wall Street firms paid more than $18 billion in bonuses…

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OPEC you cannot change the law of Capitalism!!!

  Below an article ran yesterday which indicates the greed that Capitalism breeds. The worst possible thing that OPEC could do is drop the level of production, thereby creating a false pricing level.  The facts for this are based on two capitalistic fundamentals: Supply and Demand: If the demand is high the prices are free…

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Economically speaking

Many of my regular readers have asked whyI have not posted about the current financial crises that the globe is facing. I must be quite honest and say that my focus in terms of this blog has generally been on South Africa and the South African population. Not that this has not affected South Africa,…

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