Storm from Blackberry
As we have seen in the past few months a number of manufacturers have been releasing phones in response to the Apple iPhone. Blackberry not to be out done will be launching the Storm in the USA in the next few months.
Looking at the specifications, we can see that it will be, like any phone that is serious about playing in the smartphone space quite a useful tool. I think that within the next six months, we are going to be really spoilt for choice when it comes to Smartphones and really it is going to be about the coming with the best marketing message that is going to emerge as the “leader”
If you are in the market for a new smartphone, it may be in your interest to hand fire for a couple of months and see what shakes down in terms of releases to the market, being in South Africa means that you are likely to wait at least 7 months to see the Storm, unless of course you travel to buy it.
Of course if you have no idea what a Smartphone is then simply buy one with a great camera!