Re-size Pictures
I really love the electronic world we are living in. I started this blog on the 30th of March 2008 and have slowly come to grips with all of the great features that exist within the WordPress environment. One of the issues I battled with was trying to get my pictures to fit correctly in the boxes provided. To the informed out there I know you are saying how difficult can this be, but for a green horn like me it was proving to be quite frustrating. I then did what I should have done in the beginning, I “googled” re-size pictures. The returns pages were many, but in the first screen I happened upon a bit of software called PIXresizer ver 2.0.3by David De Groot. Within a minute I had a piece of software which I could re-size any of my picture to the exact size that I wanted.
In keeping with my promotion of great ideas theme, I am adding this post this category. Happy re-sizing.