The Running Commentary

Not so juicy service Mango!

Mango airlinesA couple of days ago, I was returning on a late flight from JHB to CPT. In my haste to leave the plane and get home (long day and tired) I committed the ultimate rookie error. I left my iPad mini in the seat pocket in front of me. (I have flown many times and typically I stash my iPad on the descent)

I only realised the error when I got home. I contacted the enquires email address as the lines where closed for the day and hoped….. I also took the chance and tweeted my issue to their twitter channel.

Here begins the difference in service….

The person behind the twitter channel respond at 7:28 the next morning (thumbs up) requesting my contact details, which I duly DM’d to them (side bar here they followed me and then asked for my details – so they could be sure I could in fact DM to them – two thumbs up)

In the interim I received no contact from the enquires email. No acknowledgment of the email…niks! I then waited…… 36 hours go by, on Saturday morning (6:28am) I tweet the channel and advise them that they are being let down by their Guestcare as I have received no feedback. They respond immediately asking me to email them and they will take it up. I do this and get a response within minutes to say that it has been escalated to the HOD of customer care.

Now, I get that people don’t necessarily work over the weekends, so expecting a response was probably not on and they didn’t disappoint! I didn’t get one over the weekend. Monday morning comes along and I receive what I would call a “standard” response. According to ground staff and crew nothing was regrettably handed in. No acknowledgment of the first email or even an apology for the late reply.

I then get a call from them to check if I was “satisfied” with the response. I simply said that I felt that they failed to respond in a caring manner and felt that I received a stock response. The lady who called, then clearly worried by my response, went and called the baggage area and called me back to say that she had definitely checked and definitely nothing was handed in! (what was up with the email then?) So while I apportion no blame at all on Mango for this incident, I do think that they have a disconnect between their customer service teams.

Perhaps there is a message in there somewhere to all brands, make sure that your public customer service channel and your internal customer service channel have the same passion? #justsaying

customer serviceIpadlifeMango AirlinesMike TabernerserviceTWITTER

Mike • February 23, 2016

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