The Running Commentary

Bob snubs “the elders”


As you will all no doubt have seen Mugabe elected to request that the “elders” (Graca, Koffie and Jimmy) come back at another time as it was not convenient to allow them entry into Zimbabwe.  I, as I am sure all of you, find this attitude absolutely astounding. It is for this reason that I am awarding him (Bob) the dung ball for the day.

More importantly for me will be the reaction of the African continent to this international “snub”. If ever there was a time to cease the diplomatic rhetoric and hand shaking and come with a decisive African solution, now would be the time. We cannot let this idiot continue to govern a bring even further ruin onto what is already a broken country.  We need to see a unified African condemnation on the man, he and his cronies need to be literally cleared off the political landscape. I am not talking killed for the record, but they need to be stopped.

Africa needs to rescue Zimbabwe and we need to see it returned to the once prosperous country that we know it should be.

Hopefully Africa and it’s elected leadership will now stand up and take a a more than “firm” stance against this despot!.

Robert MugabeThe eldersZimbabwe

Mike • November 24, 2008

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