The Running Commentary


MTN Billing Letter – my response

So….Dear (un)valued MTN I will be voting with my feet this August. I will be porting from you to Vodacom…enough said

Incompetent sales staff will cost you success

Yours is the opportunity to talk to me and enlighten me on what your product and/or service can deliver. I am a willing purchaser when I arrive in your store, if you fail to convert me, you have only yourself to blame!

Another poor judgement call…

this amount of money could have bought 5 families and RDP house for life. Equally it could have fed 15 000 people a day for two months!

SAPS neglect for disabled….

I accept that emergency situations may give rise to use of extraordinary means, but does this mean that they can use this term to cover any “emergency” situation. Maybe we need to food, in an emergency?

DA deserves potential sanction…..

What we need is the tough questions being asked and then reported back to the public and not the other way around…..