The Running Commentary

It’s been a while

It’s been a good while since I last posted. Much of this time has seen me start and stop posts at various moment. Fifteen months later now and I guess I need to put something down! First things first, I can’t quite believe that both my kids are out of school now? I officially have…

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Starting 2023

Reflecting on the Start of a New Year with a Focus on Faith and Family

Starting 2023 This year, I have a deep desire to grow not only in my career, but also in my faith journey. As a Christian, my relationship with God is the most important aspect of my life and I want to deepen that connection and continue to grow in my understanding of His will for…

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100% Improvement on the year before

A second post this year – a 100% improvement on the year before.  This somehow feels like a bit of an achievement for me, finding a few moments to layout some thoughts that have been with me for this year. This probably a little longer than normal, but there are many thoughts that have been…

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Where is my gaze?

This year I made a promise to myself that I would write more! It says something about the start to this year, that this is the first time I am actually getting around to fulfilling some of that promise.   As I write this Russia is 5 days into an invasion of Ukraine! my mind…

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Entrepreneurial Learning

Entrepreneurial learnings

Walking the road of an entrepreneur is not for the faint hearted. Worrying about revenue, service delivery, costs, administrative issues, client relationship building, and your team’s growth and development are just some of the never-ending pathways you travel. It takes Passion, Persistence and Patience – My 3 P’s for this season. I am finding that…

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It’s been a while….

Finding the time to write, in my personal capacity, has eluded me for some time.  I determined this morning that I would take a moment to write, it is a cathartic experience for me.  It helps me self-articulate all that has been impacting me over the past months and wow what a couple of months…

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Annus Mixedbagus

Not sure if there is a Latin saying for a mixed bag year, so I just made the title up. 2019 has been a real mixed bag for me: some success, some happiness, some failures and some sadness, but that I guess is life.  Highlights and Happiness Our business, Brandesign, has grown well. We welcomed…

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On Mmusi Maimane and the Democratic Alliance

They will not though emerge as relevant party anymore. Certainly not while they have a colonial apologist in the position of FEDEX chair.

We have continued to build….. 7 years in!

This posts timing in some way defines just how busy I have been over the last few years. I completely by-passed the 6-year mark post, as I have just passed the 7-year mark of true entrepreneurship.  1 July 2019 marked the 7-year journey on this road, together with Adrian Larkin and the rest of the…

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Prayer in School….officially?

A number of people in my Facebook timeline are sharing an image that says something along the lines of “share if you believe prayer should be brought back into schools”. I have felt challenged by this, not because as some heart level I disagree with the sentiment, but mainly because I think that they are…

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